
Brandywine Estate & Elder Law Scholarship

“Age is not a barrier to human rights. Older persons have the same rights to dignity, independence, and self-determination as everyone else.” – Michelle Bachelet

At Brandywine Estate & Elder Law, we recognize the immense value and wisdom that seniors contribute to our society. Unfortunately, individuals may face unique challenges that threaten their rights and dignity as they age. That’s why we’re passionate about advocating for seniors and protecting their legal rights through elder law.

Our firm is proud to announce the Brandywine Estate & Elder Law Scholarship, aimed at recognizing and supporting students who share our commitment to protecting the rights and dignity of seniors. The scholarship award is $1,000, applicants are invited to submit an original essay addressing the topic:

“Protecting the Rights and Dignity of Seniors: The Role of Elder Law in Safeguarding Vulnerable Populations”

In your 800-word essay, we encourage you to explore the critical role that elder law plays in advocating for the rights of seniors and addressing issues such as financial exploitation, healthcare decision-making, guardianship, and long-term care planning. Share your insights, experiences, and innovative ideas for ensuring that seniors are treated with the respect, dignity, and care they deserve.

Candidates must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and must be enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate program, or community college in the United States High school students are encouraged to apply by providing their acceptance letter to an accredited college or university.

To apply for the Brandywine Estate & Elder Law Scholarship, please submit the following documents:

  • Your resume, including contact details.
  • Your academic transcript that includes your cumulative GPA.
  • Your original essay on the designated topic.
  • Please submit your application along with all required documents via email to
  • The application deadline is February 10, 2025.

At Brandywine Estate & Elder Law, we are dedicated to nurturing future advocates for seniors and raising awareness about the vital role of elder law in safeguarding vulnerable populations. We eagerly anticipate receiving your thoughtful and insightful essays and extend our best wishes to all applicants in their academic endeavors.